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Michelle Leong
Beta City:
50 years of human-machine collaboration
Fenland, England
MArch Year 5, 2020/2021
Day 10953
Excited, confident
Dusk, thirty-year since the β operation. The operation is reaching the end of the tunnel. The city is now a self-sustain paradise with the collaboration from both agents. More spaces are created to turn the site into a human-familiar place. It is not a normal city; it is a kindergarten for humans to relearn the way of seeing.
Once testbed 3 is ready, the site will be open for public inhabitation.
{edifice output 7:: Cathedral}
{edifice output 8:: Bunker}
{edifice output 9:: Machine archive}
{edifice output 10:: Education hub}
{edifice output 11:: AVs central}
{edifice output 12:: City hall}
Dusk: The paradise
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